Experience the wonder of the Pounamu Pathway
Te Ara Pounamu and CerebralFix teamed up to launch the Pounamu Pathway, an immersive storytelling app that links together four experience centres across the West Coast Te Tai o Poutini, from Awarua to Kawatiri. It weaves together the local pūrākau (legends) into a tapestry that visitors to the coast can navigate and explore.
West Coast Te Tai o Poutini is a unique area that has been shaped by the taniwha, battles, settlements, and legends from its history – following the Pounamu Pathway guides visitors through the footsteps of those who walked before us - explorers, traders, guardians, pioneers.
Visitors can use the Pounamu Pathway app to map their physical journey traversing the area; discovering hidden locations and unlocking new experiences. Each of the map destinations have different interactive features which vary by destination but can include interactive experiences, quizzes, AR visuals, and guided activities. Once downloaded the app can also be used offline - which is particularly useful in some of the more remote destinations of Aotearoa's scenic West Coast.
The Pounamu Pathway app is part of the wider plan for the Pounamu Pathway as a fully realised experience including the recently opened Māwhera Pā discovery hub; a powerful physical exhibition created by Te Ara Pounamu and Wētā Workshop. There are four planned centres in development, Māwhera (open), Kawatiri (early 2024), Hokitika (Dec 2025), Awarua (2025) – each exploring different aspects of the West Coast and establishing a clear tourist route between these centres and the app locations.
Pounamu Pathway is available on both Android and iOS and. More information about Pounamu Pathway, the visitor centre, and the Pounamu Pathway app can be found at pounamupathway.com.